Monday, June 11, 2012

Lindsay’s Big Accident and her Lies

Lindsay Lohan was in a bad car accident while she  was driving a black Porsche, which was a rental on the Pacific Coast Highway in Santa Monica. Lindsay and her assistant (the passenger) were bleeding and bruised but nothing serious has happened. The good news is Lindsay and the truck driver was not under the influence of alcohol. 
However this is when she starts lying,
She’s saying that the accident wasn't her fault, in the moments following the accident; Lindsay claimed the semi-truck cut her off and that is what caused the accident. But the truck driver as well as the eye witnesses seems to be disagreeing with her statement.
And that not all naughty LiLo has lied to the Cops by telling them she was NOT driving the Porsche that slammed into a truck, Lindsay told police she was a passenger in the Porsche and her assistant was driving.   But the lie didn't fuse because later Lindsay's assistant told police Lindsay was behind the wheel.
 Truck driver James, was injured in the crash, and rumor has it that he wants money for his pain and dilemma.
The mysterious pink bag- after the accident Lindsay's assistant removed a mysterious pink bag from the Porsche and asked James (driver) not to mention it to the media. According to James Lohan’s people asked him to settle up on the spot, but he declined.


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